Today's video is a mix of the unseen archive footage of Show me your guts and a slight re-cut from Eastern Tide: One Season in Nova Scotia of Kleos.
These problems represent a real evolution of bouldering in Nova Scotia. When Show me your guts - V4 was first done i returned back with Ghislain to film it with the Digital 8 at the time it was an original idea for a problem here. If you can't reach the good holds from the ground, just jump chumps! Although it did not spur on a flurry of problems starting with leaps, it did open my mind to what bouldering could be and the unwritten rules around what is a valid start.
Later this problem was worked and sent from a sit start and named Kleos -V11. On a very cold and windy winter afternoon Ghislain and I returned with my PD150 in hand to capture the sequence for Eastern Tide: One Season in Nova Scotia. Before going in with Ghislain i had no idea of how exactly the problem went, what was revealed was a truly inspiring sequence of movements.
Although Show me your guts is not listed in the Bouldering Halifax guide book it is certainly a valid problem for those of us mere mortals who aren't cranking off V11s on a regular basis. I've never done it but it's on my to do list and once i've bagged the jump start maybe i'll be ready for the sit start. I have a lot of unfinished business in Area 51...
Bouldering Nova Scotia - Kleos V11 from Todd Foster on Vimeo.
Show Me Your Guts***, 12ft, V3/4 – At the far right corner of the overhanging face, jump to two incuts at the lip and top out. Good luck!
Description from Greg Campbell's unpublished guide.
o man. show me your guts caused my first real climbing injury years ago. I was out for 6 months with messed up tendons in the wrist. Never again. Time to work out the sit start i guess.
Before I watched the video or read Tracstarr's injury report I was stoked on Show me Your Guts. Jumping to good holds and bypassing a V11 sit start sounds totally sweet and definetly my style. However now having watched the video of Zig falling flat on his back, hearing of injured wrist tendons and seeing these so called 'good holds' I have been robbed of my stoked-ed-ness.
sweet video. Cleos is sick.
Sean man, Nice sweater dude.
(it's all about the)Benjamin(s)
Thanks!!I get my fashion tips from the Princess!I seriously thought Zig broke his back when he slapped in. I felt awful and when he just jumped for it he fell away from me. Spotting for the top out was scary as well. Jeremy be afraid.....Good Luck.
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