Thursday, February 28, 2008

Valentines Day Massacre

Here is the video from the Valentines Day Massacre held at Ground Zero Climbing Gym. This was the 7th year that Sean held the event and there was an excellent turnout again. I don't have all the standings in yet but the Winners were...

Valentines Day Massacre from Todd Foster on Vimeo.

Music by: Beastie Boys used under the Creative Commons Sample Plus License. This Track is from a collection assembled by Wired Magazine. Under this license all derivative work is distributed under the same license so you are free to mash up this video and distribute it in any non commercial way. Have fun with it.


Unknown said...

Short but sweet, Todd. Love it.

- Steve

Anonymous said...

I love it also - like the pick of music and love the belts!!

Anonymous said...

hahahah thats was perfect kinda makes me want to climb!
i think that it makes nova scotians look bad tho. falling all over the place slipping and sliding we are to weak here, we need to step it up! the world is watching and the world needs high climbing standards! next time your spotting and a scotian falls off the rock or plastic holds i want you to punch him in the back of the head and call him a weak little sissy boy/or girl we can still remain politicly correct. after enough of this we will climb a lot harder! because know body likes getting punched in the back of the head.